Shield against Culture Shock



The climate seems to be colder than in France in winter and sweeter in summer.


Bulgarian cuisine has its own originality.


One of the main restaint of Bulgaria is the language and the alphabet. Indeed, Bulgarians use the cyrillic alphabet which is really different to the latin alphabet. 


The customs are differents and it will may be difficulte to to have a daily life at the start of our stay, but finally, it is a good way to discover a new culture and a new lifestyle.


The Bulgarians are at first glance gold. In fact, they don't really use greeting. Moreover, they nod from left to right to say "yes" and from top to bottom to say "no".

A majority of Bulgarians are orthodoxe.


As this country was part of Easter block during the Cold War, the lifestyle didn't become occidental like France, Germany or Italia. That is why, Bulgarians life more like Russian even if they are part of European Union.

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